Wednesday 26 October 2011


J  A  C  K  E  T  :  Women’s overcoat

S  I  Z  E  :  (not specified)

F  A  B  R  I  C  :  100% Wool (astrakhan collar detail)

O  R  I  G  I  N  :  (unknown)

T  E  C  H  N  I  C  A  L    F  E  A  T  U  R  E  S  :

-semi raglan sleeve

-rounded bust shaping panels

-small and very fine shoulder pads used (no shoulder roll)

-rounded shawl collar

-inverted pleats released from waist

- horsehair canvass used in collar featuring quilting like effect to secure in place

-separate collar stand

-x3 Jet button holes

-front facing extends from collar down to lover button hole. Then a folded back edge to face the remaining length of the coat opening.

-combination of machine and hand sewn details

S  P  E  C  I  A  L    F  E  A  T  U  R  E  S  : 

-Jet button holes

-shoulder detailing with semi raglan blending into curved panels.

-pointed edges of shawl collar

- black satin lining

-inverted pleats released at waist to create full skirt

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